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OpenGeoMetadata (OGM) Aardvark Schema


To read more about certain metadata categories (like "Spatial"), click the hyperlinked headings in the table below.





(R) = Required

(C) = Conditionally Required

(S) = Suggested

(v) = Controlled Values

Access Rights

Label Access Rights
Field Name dct_accessRights_s
Field Type String
Obligation Required
Multivalued False
Purpose To clarify to the user if the resource is public (any user can access) or restricted (a user will need to log in to some kind of authentication protocol) and if the application should provide a web service preview and/or a download function.
Entry Guidelines Only one of two values are allowed: Public or Restricted.
Commentary This field can be set to "Public", which allows users to view and download an item, or "Restricted", which requires a user to log in to an authentication service.
Controlled Vocabulary Yes - strict
Example Value "Public"
Element Set DCMI
Group Rights

Alternative Title

Label Alternative Title
Field Name dct_alternative_sm
Field Type Array of strings
Obligation Optional
Multivalued True
Purpose To provide the user with the another title if needed.
Entry Guidelines This could be for a secondary or original title or subtitle.
Commentary For discoverability, improving titles for data is encouraged. This field could be a place to keep the original title. It could also be useful for scanned maps. Some have long titles that include MARC subtitle fields, such as 245$b. Whether or not this field should appear in your GeoBlacklight item view pages can be customized in the application.
Controlled Vocabulary No
Example Value ["NEZ H Districts"]
Element Set DCMI
Group Descriptive

Bounding Box

Label Bounding Box
Field Name dcat_bbox
Field Type String
Obligation Suggested
Multivalued False
Purpose To support overlap ratio boosting in spatial searches.
Entry Guidelines This should be a bounding box in this format: ENVELOPE(W,E,N,S).
Commentary If the Geometry field uses the ENVELOPE syntax, then these fields will be identical.
Controlled Vocabulary No
Example Value "ENVELOPE(-111.1, -104.0, 45.0, 40.9)"
Element Set DCAT
Group Spatial


Label Centroid
Field Name dcat_centroid
Field Type String
Obligation Optional
Multivalued False
Purpose To display the centerpoint of a resource.
Entry Guidelines Enter two decimal degree coordinates separated by a comma in this order: latitude, longitude.
Commentary This field is currently only supported by customizations to the GeoBlacklight application.
Controlled Vocabulary No
Example Value "46.4218,-94.087"
Element Set DCAT
Group Spatial


Label Creator
Field Name dct_creator_sm
Field Type Array of strings
Obligation Suggested
Multivalued True
Purpose To credit the person/organization that collected or authored the resource.
Entry Guidelines The suggested controlled vocabulary is the Library of Congress Name Authority File.
Commentary The distinction between Creator and Publisher is often vague. This field is best reserved for instances in which an individual person has collected, produced, or generated analyses of data (as opposed to an agency releasing a data product or resource). It can be a person or an organization.
Controlled Vocabulary No
Example Value ["Geological Survey (U.S.)"]
Element Set DCMI
Group Credits

Date Issued

Label Date Issued
Field Name dct_issued_s
Field Type String
Obligation Optional
Multivalued False
Purpose To provide the user with the date when an item was published, and to allow administrators to determine the age of the resource.
Entry Guidelines A single year is the preferred format. For more precise dates, use the ISO format without the time value: YYYY-MM-DD or YYYY-MM.
Commentary Although the field is optional, it is often useful when a clear Temporal Coverage value is not present. For example, one may want to preserve a dataset with an uncertain lineage, but there is an indicator on a data portal on the date of last update. In most cases, the 4-digit year is sufficient.
Controlled Vocabulary No
Example Value "1999"
Element Set DCMI
Group Temporal

Date Range

Label Date Range
Field Name gbl_dateRange_drsim
Field Type String
Obligation Optional
Multivalued True
Purpose To power other time widgets that use a date range.
Entry Guidelines Enter a start date and end date in the Solr date range field convention. In JSON, the value should be formatted as a string that includes the brackets, rather than as an array or list containing a string. Incorrect: ["YYYY TO YYYY"]. Correct: "[YYYY TO YYYY]".
Commentary This field is not yet supported by GeoBlacklight, but the application can be customized to use it.
Controlled Vocabulary No
Example Value "[1980 TO 1995]"
Element Set GBL
Group Temporal


Label Description
Field Name dct_description_sm
Field Type Array of strings
Obligation Suggested
Multivalued True
Purpose To provide the user with a summary of the resource.
Entry Guidelines At a minimum, this is a reiteration of the title in sentence format. Other relevant information, such as data creation methods, data sources, and special licenses, may also be included.
Commentary This field is the second-most prominent value (after Title) that users see when search or browsing for items. Although not required, it is strongly recommended. If the description is minimal or lacking, it can be improved by concatenating available metadata fields, such as title, date, format, and place. This is a plain text field by default, but it can include clickable links if the GeoBlacklight software is customized; see the GeoBlacklight documentation on how to render HTML from a text field.
Controlled Vocabulary No
Example Value "This polygon shapefile represents boundaries of election districts in New York City. It was harvested from the NYC Open Data Portal."
Element Set DCMI
Group Descriptive

Display Note

Label Display Note
Field Name gbl_displayNote_sm
Field Type Array of strings
Obligation Optional
Multivalued True
Purpose To highlight additional information about a resource, such as warnings or tips for using the data.
Entry Guidelines Prefix the string with "Danger:", "Info:", "Tip:", or "Warning:" to specify the type of note.
Commentary Starting in GeoBlacklight version 4.1, text in this field is prominently displayed in a shaded box just after the title, with the prefixes controlling the style of the displayed note. Styles and additional prefixes (for example, in other languages) can be added by customizing the GeoBlacklight software; see the v4.1.0 release notes.
Controlled Vocabulary No
Example Value ["Danger: This text will be displayed in a red box","Info: This text will be displayed in a blue box","Tip: This text will be displayed in a green box","Warning: This text will be displayed in a yellow box","This is text without a tag and it will be assigned the default 'note' style"]
Element Set GBL
Group Descriptive

File Size

Label File Size
Field Name gbl_fileSize_s
Field Type String
Obligation Optional
Multivalued False
Purpose To inform the user of the size of the file download.
Entry Guidelines Enter the size in megabytes.
Commentary This field is intended to give users a sense of how large the data or image they are interested in downloading, and serves to alert users about huge files.
Controlled Vocabulary No
Example Value "25.96 MB"
Element Set GBL
Group Object


Label Format
Field Name dct_format_s
Field Type String
Obligation Conditionally required
Multivalued False
Purpose To display to the user the name of the file type as a text string in the download button.
Entry Guidelines Enter a string describing the file format, preferably from the list of Format Values.
Commentary This field is required if the download URL ( in the References field is configured as a single key:value pair. The field is not required if using the multiple downloads option.
Controlled Vocabulary Yes - not strict
Example Value "Shapefile"
Element Set DCMI
Group Object

Format Values

  • ArcGRID
  • CD-ROM
  • DEM
  • Feature Class
  • Geodatabase
  • GeoJPEG
  • GeoJSON
  • GeoPackage
  • GeoPDF
  • GeoTIFF
  • JPEG
  • JPEG2000
  • KML
  • KMZ
  • LAS
  • LAZ
  • Mixed
  • MrSID
  • PDF
  • PNG
  • Pulsewaves
  • Raster Dataset
  • Shapefile
  • SQLite Database
  • Tabular Data
  • TIFF


Label Geometry
Field Name locn_geometry
Field Type String
Obligation Suggested
Multivalued False
Purpose To display the extent of the resource and to power the map search.
Entry Guidelines This may be a bounding box or more complex geometry. For a bounding box, it should use the ENVELOPE(W,E,N,S) syntax. For a more complex geometry, it should use the WKT ("well-known text") POLYGON or MULTIPOLYGON syntax. Note that WKT polygon vertices should be defined in counter-clockwise order.
Commentary Since this field is not repeatable, multiple polygons should be represented using the WKT "MULTIPOLYGON" syntax. Geometries that span the 180th meridian, aka the antimeridian, should be broken up into multiple bounding boxes or polygons for each side of the earth's hemisphere. This is because Solr, the underlying indexer for GeoBlacklight, cannot interpret these coordinates correctly and will display the geometry improperly (horizontally flipped).
Controlled Vocabulary No
Example Value Simple bounding box: "ENVELOPE(-111.1, -104.0, 45.0, 40.9)" | Bermuda Triangle: "POLYGON((-80 25, -65 18, -64 33, -80 25))" | Split bounding box for Alaska: "MULTIPOLYGON (((-179.3 51.1, -129.9 51.1, -129.9 71.5, -179.3 71.5, -179.3 51.1)),((172.3 51.2, 179.9 51.2, 179.9 53.1, 172.3 53.1, 172.3 51.2)))"
Element Set LOCN
Group Spatial


Label Georeferenced
Field Name gbl_georeferenced_b
Field Type Boolean or string
Obligation Optional
Multivalued False
Purpose To indicate whether or not a scanned map or other imagery has a georeferenced version.
Entry Guidelines Only one of two values are allowed: true or false.
Commentary This field can be a shortcut for users to find georeferenced maps. Administrators can also employ the Source field to link a paper map with its scan (e.g. a TIFF) and its georeferenced version (e.g. a GeoTIFF).
Controlled Vocabulary Yes - strict
Example Value false or "false"
Element Set GBL
Group Spatial


Label ID
Field Name id
Field Type String
Obligation Required
Multivalued False
Purpose To provide a unique text string for the item that will act as the primary key in Solr and to create a unique landing page for the item.
Entry Guidelines Enter a string that only contains alpha-numeric characters (A-Z, a-z, 0-9), hyphens, underscores, and colons. This ID must be unique within your instance's GeoBlacklight index.
Commentary The value of this field will appear in Geoblacklight's URL for the item. It is visible to the user and is used to create permalinks. Although it may be possible to use other non-Latin or punctuation characters, this is not recommended, as these characters may get percent-escaped in the URLs, or even lead to broken links or other problems. Since it is common to include records from other institutions, it is recommended that any records you create are prefixed with the short form of your institution's name to avoid collisions with records from other providers.
Controlled Vocabulary No
Example Value "princeton-rv042w38t"
Element Set GBL
Group Identifiers


Label Identifier
Field Name dct_identifier_sm
Field Type Array of strings
Obligation Suggested
Multivalued True
Purpose To provide a general purpose field for identifiers.
Entry Guidelines Enter a DOI, catalog number, and/or other system number.
Commentary This is a general purpose field that can contain one or more string values. Ideally, at least one value would be a persistent identifier or permalink (such as a PURL or Handle). Additional values could be other identifiers used by the resource, such as the call number, OCLC number, or other system identifier. This field is not displayed in the interface.
Controlled Vocabulary No
Example Value ["5864 .L7 E635 1998 .G7"]
Element Set DCMI
Group Identifiers

Index Year

Label Index Year
Field Name gbl_indexYear_im
Field Type Array of integers
Obligation Suggested
Multivalued True
Purpose To power the "Year" facet and time slider widgets that rely on integers for dates.
Entry Guidelines Enter one or more 4-digit integers.
Commentary Ideally this field should describe the date(s) depicted in a resource. Because it powers the "Year" facet, it is one of the key ways users can find items by their date.
Controlled Vocabulary No
Example Value [1980,1981,1982]
Element Set GBL
Group Temporal

Is Part Of

Label Is Part Of
Field Name dct_isPartOf_sm
Field Type Array of strings
Obligation Optional
Multivalued True
Purpose To link items that are a subset of another item (e.g. a page in a book, or a map in an atlas).
Entry Guidelines Make a parent record to group records together. Enter the ID of the parent record(s).
Commentary This is one of several fields that describe how records relate to each other. To link to a collection (rather than a book or atlas), see Member Of.
Controlled Vocabulary No
Example Value ["77f-0001"]
Element Set DCMI
Group Relations

Is Replaced By

Label Is Replaced By
Field Name dct_isReplacedBy_sm
Field Type Array of strings
Obligation Optional
Multivalued True
Purpose To point the user to a newer item(s).
Entry Guidelines Enter the ID of the newer item(s) that should be used instead.
Commentary This field can be used with Replaces to link an original dataset to a newer version. For example, if this dataset has already been cited somewhere but is now deprecated, it can be retained in a repository and this field can be used to link to its newer version.
Controlled Vocabulary No
Example Value ["cugir-007933"]
Element Set DCMI
Group Relations

Is Version Of

Label Is Version Of
Field Name dct_isVersionOf_sm
Field Type Array of strings
Obligation Optional
Multivalued True
Purpose To indicate that an item is part of a series of resources that are updated or altered and to provide a link to a different variant or adaption.
Entry Guidelines Enter the ID of the most recent related record OR create a parent record to group versions together.
Commentary If entering the ID of a parent record, see Member Of and Is Part Of for similar examples.
Controlled Vocabulary No
Example Value ["xyz-1234"]
Element Set DCMI
Group Relations


Label Keyword
Field Name dcat_keyword_sm
Field Type Array of strings
Obligation Optional
Multivalued True
Purpose To improve search results with hidden free text tags and to give administrators a field for internal tags.
Entry Guidelines Enter tags that will be useful for enhancing searches and interpretation. Keywords will be in the metadata, but will be hidden to the user by default.
Commentary This field may be used for administrative purposes or to facilitate text searching without cluttering a facet or interface. They may be helpful for grouping items by an accession code or for alternate spellings of common terms.
Controlled Vocabulary No
Example Value ["covid19", "vaccination rate"]
Element Set DCAT
Group Categories


Label Language
Field Name dct_language_sm
Field Type Array of strings
Obligation Optional
Multivalued True
Purpose To provide the user with the language of the resource.
Entry Guidelines Enter a 3-letter code using the ISO 639-2 standard.
Commentary This field is intended to indicate the language of the dataset, map, and/or supporting documentation.
Controlled Vocabulary Yes - not strict. Ideally, choose from the ISO 639-3 language codes in the list of Language Values below.
Example Value ["eng"]
Element Set DCMI
Group Descriptive

Language Values

See Library of Congress for full list.

English Name of Language ISO 639-2
Abkhazian abk
Achinese ace
Acoli ach
Adangme ada
Adygei ady
Adyghe ady
Afar aar
Afrihili afh
Afrikaans afr
Afro-Asiatic languages afa
Ainu ain
Akan aka
Akkadian akk
Albanian alb/sqi
Alemannic gsw
Aleut ale
Algonquian languages alg
Alsatian gsw
Altaic languages tut
Amharic amh
Angika anp
Apache languages apa
Arabic ara
Aragonese arg
Arapaho arp
Arawak arw
Armenian arm/hye
Aromanian rup
Artificial languages art
Arumanian rup
Assamese asm
Asturian ast
Asturleonese ast
Athapascan languages ath
Australian languages aus
Austronesian languages map
Avaric ava
Avestan ave
Awadhi awa
Aymara aym
Azerbaijani aze
Bable ast
Balinese ban
Baltic languages bat
Baluchi bal
Bambara bam
Bamileke languages bai
Banda languages bad
Bantu languages bnt
Basa bas
Bashkir bak
Basque baq/eus
Batak languages btk
Bedawiyet bej
Beja bej
Belarusian bel
Bemba bem
Bengali ben
Berber languages ber
Bhojpuri bho
Bihari languages bih
Bikol bik
Bilin byn
Bini bin
Bislama bis
Blin byn
Bliss zbl
Blissymbolics zbl
Blissymbols zbl
BokmĂ¥l, Norwegian nob
Bosnian bos
Braj bra
Breton bre
Buginese bug
Bulgarian bul
Buriat bua
Burmese bur/mya
Caddo cad
Castilian spa
Catalan cat
Caucasian languages cau
Cebuano ceb
Celtic languages cel
Central American Indian languages cai
Central Khmer khm
Chagatai chg
Chamic languages cmc
Chamorro cha
Chechen che
Cherokee chr
Chewa nya
Cheyenne chy
Chibcha chb
Chichewa nya
Chinese chi/zho
Chinook jargon chn
Chipewyan chp
Choctaw cho
Chuang zha
Church Slavic chu
Church Slavonic chu
Chuukese chk
Chuvash chv
Classical Nepal Bhasa nwc
Classical Newari nwc
Classical Syriac syc
Cook Islands Maori rar
Coptic cop
Cornish cor
Corsican cos
Cree cre
Creek mus
Creoles and pidgins crp
Creoles and pidgins, English based cpe
Creoles and pidgins, French-based cpf
Creoles and pidgins, Portuguese-based cpp
Crimean Tatar crh
Crimean Turkish crh
Croatian hrv
Cushitic languages cus
Czech cze/ces
Dakota dak
Danish dan
Dargwa dar
Delaware del
Dene Suline chp
Dhivehi div
Dimili zza
Dimli zza
Dinka din
Divehi div
Dogri doi
Dogrib dgr
Dravidian languages dra
Duala dua
Dutch dut/nld
Dutch, Middle (ca.1050-1350) dum
Dyula dyu
Dzongkha dzo
Eastern Frisian frs
Edo bin
Efik efi
Egyptian (Ancient) egy
Ekajuk eka
Elamite elx
English eng
English, Middle (1100-1500) enm
English, Old (ca.450-1100) ang
Erzya myv
Esperanto epo
Estonian est
Ewe ewe
Ewondo ewo
Fang fan
Fanti fat
Faroese fao
Fijian fij
Filipino fil
Finnish fin
Finno-Ugrian languages fiu
Flemish dut/nld
Fon fon
French fre/fra
French, Middle (ca.1400-1600) frm
French, Old (842-ca.1400) fro
Friulian fur
Fulah ful
Ga gaa
Gaelic gla
Galibi Carib car
Galician glg
Ganda lug
Gayo gay
Gbaya gba
Geez gez
Georgian geo/kat
German ger/deu
German, Low nds
German, Middle High (ca.1050-1500) gmh
German, Old High (ca.750-1050) goh
Germanic languages gem
Gikuyu kik
Gilbertese gil
Gondi gon
Gorontalo gor
Gothic got
Grebo grb
Greek, Ancient (to 1453) grc
Greek, Modern (1453-) gre/ell
Greenlandic kal
Guarani grn
Gujarati guj
Gwich'in gwi
Haida hai
Haitian hat
Haitian Creole hat
Hausa hau
Hawaiian haw
Hebrew heb
Herero her
Hiligaynon hil
Himachali languages him
Hindi hin
Hiri Motu hmo
Hittite hit
Hmong hmn
Hungarian hun
Hupa hup
Iban iba
Icelandic ice/isl
Ido ido
Igbo ibo
Ijo languages ijo
Iloko ilo
Imperial Aramaic (700-300 BCE) arc
Inari Sami smn
Indic languages inc
Indo-European languages ine
Indonesian ind
Ingush inh
Interlingua (International Auxiliary Language Association) ina
Interlingue ile
Inuktitut iku
Inupiaq ipk
Iranian languages ira
Irish gle
Irish, Middle (900-1200) mga
Irish, Old (to 900) sga
Iroquoian languages iro
Italian ita
Japanese jpn
Javanese jav
Jingpho kac
Judeo-Arabic jrb
Judeo-Persian jpr
Kabardian kbd
Kabyle kab
Kachin kac
Kalaallisut kal
Kalmyk xal
Kamba kam
Kannada kan
Kanuri kau
Kapampangan pam
Kara-Kalpak kaa
Karachay-Balkar krc
Karelian krl
Karen languages kar
Kashmiri kas
Kashubian csb
Kawi kaw
Kazakh kaz
Khasi kha
Khoisan languages khi
Khotanese kho
Kikuyu kik
Kimbundu kmb
Kinyarwanda kin
Kirdki zza
Kirghiz kir
Kirmanjki zza
Klingon tlh
Komi kom
Kongo kon
Konkani kok
Korean kor
Kosraean kos
Kpelle kpe
Kru languages kro
Kuanyama kua
Kumyk kum
Kurdish kur
Kurukh kru
Kutenai kut
Kwanyama kua
Kyrgyz kir
Ladino lad
Lahnda lah
Lamba lam
Land Dayak languages day
Lao lao
Latin lat
Latvian lav
Leonese ast
Letzeburgesch ltz
Lezghian lez
Limburgan lim
Limburger lim
Limburgish lim
Lingala lin
Lithuanian lit
Lojban jbo
Low German nds
Low Saxon nds
Lower Sorbian dsb
Lozi loz
Luba-Katanga lub
Luba-Lulua lua
Luiseno lui
Lule Sami smj
Lunda lun
Luo (Kenya and Tanzania) luo
Lushai lus
Luxembourgish ltz
Macedo-Romanian rup
Macedonian mac/mkd
Madurese mad
Magahi mag
Maithili mai
Makasar mak
Malagasy mlg
Malay may/msa
Malayalam mal
Maldivian div
Maltese mlt
Manchu mnc
Mandar mdr
Mandingo man
Manipuri mni
Manobo languages mno
Manx glv
Maori mao/mri
Mapuche arn
Mapudungun arn
Marathi mar
Mari chm
Marshallese mah
Marwari mwr
Masai mas
Mayan languages myn
Mende men
Mi'kmaq mic
Micmac mic
Minangkabau min
Mirandese mwl
Mohawk moh
Moksha mdf
Moldavian rum/ron
Moldovan rum/ron
Mon-Khmer languages mkh
Mong hmn
Mongo lol
Mongolian mon
Montenegrin cnr
Mossi mos
Multiple languages mul
Munda languages mun
N'Ko nqo
Nahuatl languages nah
Nauru nau
Navaho nav
Navajo nav
Ndebele, North nde
Ndebele, South nbl
Ndonga ndo
Neapolitan nap
Nepal Bhasa new
Nepali nep
Newari new
Nias nia
Niger-Kordofanian languages nic
Nilo-Saharan languages ssa
Niuean niu
No linguistic content zxx
Nogai nog
Norse, Old non
North American Indian languages nai
North Ndebele nde
Northern Frisian frr
Northern Sami sme
Northern Sotho nso
Norwegian nor
Norwegian BokmĂ¥l nob
Norwegian Nynorsk nno
Not applicable zxx
Nubian languages nub
Nuosu iii
Nyamwezi nym
Nyanja nya
Nyankole nyn
Nynorsk, Norwegian nno
Nyoro nyo
Nzima nzi
Occidental ile
Occitan (post 1500) oci
Occitan, Old (to 1500) pro
Official Aramaic (700-300 BCE) arc
Oirat xal
Ojibwa oji
Old Bulgarian chu
Old Church Slavonic chu
Old Newari nwc
Old Slavonic chu
Oriya ori
Oromo orm
Osage osa
Ossetian oss
Ossetic oss
Otomian languages oto
Pahlavi pal
Palauan pau
Pali pli
Pampanga pam
Pangasinan pag
Panjabi pan
Papiamento pap
Papuan languages paa
Pashto pus
Pedi nso
Persian per/fas
Persian, Old (ca.600-400 B.C.) peo
Philippine languages phi
Phoenician phn
Pilipino fil
Pohnpeian pon
Polish pol
Portuguese por
Prakrit languages pra
Provençal, Old (to 1500) pro
Punjabi pan
Pushto pus
Quechua que
Rajasthani raj
Rapanui rap
Rarotongan rar
Reserved for local use qaa-qtz
Romance languages roa
Romanian rum/ron
Romansh roh
Romany rom
Rundi run
Russian rus
Sakan kho
Salishan languages sal
Samaritan Aramaic sam
Sami languages smi
Samoan smo
Sandawe sad
Sango sag
Sanskrit san
Santali sat
Sardinian srd
Sasak sas
Saxon, Low nds
Scots sco
Scottish Gaelic gla
Selkup sel
Semitic languages sem
Sepedi nso
Serbian srp
Serer srr
Shan shn
Shona sna
Sichuan Yi iii
Sicilian scn
Sidamo sid
Sign Languages sgn
Siksika bla
Sindhi snd
Sinhala sin
Sinhalese sin
Sino-Tibetan languages sit
Siouan languages sio
Skolt Sami sms
Slave (Athapascan) den
Slavic languages sla
Slovak slo/slk
Slovenian slv
Sogdian sog
Somali som
Songhai languages son
Soninke snk
Sorbian languages wen
Sotho, Northern nso
Sotho, Southern sot
South American Indian languages sai
South Ndebele nbl
Southern Altai alt
Southern Sami sma
Spanish spa
Sranan Tongo srn
Standard Moroccan Tamazight zgh
Sukuma suk
Sumerian sux
Sundanese sun
Susu sus
Swahili swa
Swati ssw
Swedish swe
Swiss German gsw
Syriac syr
Tagalog tgl
Tahitian tah
Tai languages tai
Tajik tgk
Tamashek tmh
Tamil tam
Tatar tat
Telugu tel
Tereno ter
Tetum tet
Thai tha
Tibetan tib/bod
Tigre tig
Tigrinya tir
Timne tem
Tiv tiv
tlhIngan-Hol tlh
Tlingit tli
Tok Pisin tpi
Tokelau tkl
Tonga (Nyasa) tog
Tonga (Tonga Islands) ton
Tsimshian tsi
Tsonga tso
Tswana tsn
Tumbuka tum
Tupi languages tup
Turkish tur
Turkish, Ottoman (1500-1928) ota
Turkmen tuk
Tuvalu tvl
Tuvinian tyv
Twi twi
Udmurt udm
Ugaritic uga
Uighur uig
Ukrainian ukr
Umbundu umb
Uncoded languages mis
Undetermined und
Upper Sorbian hsb
Urdu urd
Uyghur uig
Uzbek uzb
Vai vai
Valencian cat
Venda ven
Vietnamese vie
VolapĂ¼k vol
Votic vot
Wakashan languages wak
Walloon wln
Waray war
Washo was
Welsh wel/cym
Western Frisian fry
Western Pahari languages him
Wolaitta wal
Wolaytta wal
Wolof wol
Xhosa xho
Yakut sah
Yao yao
Yapese yap
Yiddish yid
Yoruba yor
Yupik languages ypk
Zande languages znd
Zapotec zap
Zaza zza
Zazaki zza
Zenaga zen
Zhuang zha
Zulu zul
Zuni zun


Label License
Field Name dct_license_sm
Field Type Array of strings
Obligation Optional
Multivalued True
Purpose To provide URI links to specific, known licenses.
Entry Guidelines Enter a license URI. Recommended sources are Creative Commons or Open Data Commons.
Commentary This field is only for URIs of known licenses. Do not enter a statement here, because those belong in the Rights field.
Controlled Vocabulary No
Example Value [""]
Element Set DCMI
Group Rights

Member Of

Label Member Of
Field Name pcdm_memberOf_sm
Field Type Array of strings
Obligation Optional
Multivalued True
Purpose To link items that are part of a collection.
Entry Guidelines Make a collection record to group records together. Enter the ID of the collection-level record.
Commentary This is one of several fields that describe how records relate to each other. To link to a book or atlas (rather than a collection), see Is Part Of.
Controlled Vocabulary No
Example Value ["xyz-12394"]
Element Set PCDM
Group Relations

Metadata Version

Label Metadata Version
Field Name gbl_mdVersion_s
Field Type String
Obligation Required
Multivalued False
Purpose To clarify which GeoBlacklight metadata schema is being used.
Entry Guidelines Enter a string: "GBL 1.0" or "Aardvark".
Commentary There have been two metadata schema versions for GeoBlacklight applications: GeoBlacklight 1.0 (abbreviated to GBL 1.0) and OpenGeoMetadata Aardvark (abbreviated to Aardvark).
Controlled Vocabulary Yes - strict
Example Value "Aardvark"
Element Set GBL
Group Admin


Label Modified
Field Name gbl_mdModified_dt
Field Type String
Obligation Required
Multivalued False
Purpose To inform administrators of when the metadata was last touched.
Entry Guidelines Use the "W3C Date and Time Format" (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ)
Commentary This value should indicate when the metadata (not the resource itself) was last modified.
Controlled Vocabulary No
Example Value "2015-01-01T12:00:00Z"
Element Set GBL
Group Admin


Label Provider
Field Name schema_provider_s
Field Type String
Obligation Suggested
Multivalued False
Purpose To clarify which organization holds the resource or acts as the custodian for the metadata record and to help users understand which resources they can access.
Entry Guidelines This field can be any string value. However, if the value corresponds to the name of an SVG icon in GeoBlacklight, the icon will display next to the title. See the GeoBlacklight documentation on adding SVG Icons for more details.
Commentary This field was named Provenance in the GBL 1.0 metadata schema.
Controlled Vocabulary Yes - not strict
Example Value "University of Minnesota"
Element Set
Group Credits


Label Publisher
Field Name dct_publisher_sm
Field Type Array of strings
Obligation Suggested
Multivalued True
Purpose To credit the entity that made a resource available for the first time.
Entry Guidelines The suggested controlled vocabulary is the Library of Congress Name Authority File.
Commentary The distinction between Publisher and Creator for data is often vague. Publishers should be the administrative body or organization that made the original resource available, regardless of who compiled or produced the data.
Controlled Vocabulary No
Example Value ["ML InfoMap (Firm)"]
Element Set DCMI
Group Credits


References URI Keys

Label References
Field Name dct_references_s
Field Type String (serialized JSON)
Obligation Suggested
Multivalued False
Purpose To provide external URLs for accessing or describing the resource.
Entry Guidelines This field defines external services and references using the CatInterOp approach. The field value is a serialized JSON array of key/value pairs, with keys representing namespace URI's and values the URL. See Configure References Links for detailed information about configuring this field.
Commentary All of the external links for the resource are listed as a serialized JSON array of key/value pairs. The download key ( is unique becaues it can be formatted as an array; see the section on multiple downloads for formatting guidelines.
Controlled Vocabulary The "key" part of the key/value pairs are predefined in Reference URIs.
Example Value "{\"\":\"\"}"
Element Set DCMI
Group Links


Label Relation
Field Name dct_relation_sm
Field Type Array of strings
Obligation Optional
Multivalued True
Purpose To link items with a general, unspecified relationship to each other.
Entry Guidelines Enter only the ID of the related item(s).
Commentary This is one of several fields that describe how records relate to each other. This field is the most general and should be used when a more specific hierarchical (parent-child) or temporal (version, replaces) relationship cannot be defined.
Controlled Vocabulary No
Example Value ["aoeu-987643"]
Element Set DCMI
Group Relations


Label Replaces
Field Name dct_replaces_sm
Field Type Array of strings
Obligation Optional
Multivalued True
Purpose To point the user to a deprecated item(s).
Entry Guidelines Enter the ID of the deprecated item(s).
Commentary This field can be used on its own to point to an older deprecated dataset, or it can be used with Is Replaced By to link a revised version with its original.
Controlled Vocabulary No
Example Value ["qrst-71717"]
Element Set DCMI
Group Relations

Resource Class

Label Resource Class
Field Name gbl_resourceClass_sm
Field Type Array of strings
Obligation Required
Multivalued True
Purpose To provide a top level set of categories for classifying the item.
Entry Guidelines Choose one or more terms from the list of Resource Class Values below.
Commentary This field is intended to help users sort between significantly different types of resources.
Controlled Vocabulary Yes - strict
Example Value ["Datasets"]
Element Set GBL
Group Categories

Resource Class Values

  • Collections
  • Datasets
  • Imagery
  • Maps
  • Web services
  • Websites
  • Other

Resource Type

Label Resource Type
Field Name gbl_resourceType_sm
Field Type Array of strings
Obligation Suggested
Multivalued True
Purpose To provide a secondary level of categories for classifying the spatial type or structure of a dataset.
Entry Guidelines Choose one or more terms from the lists of Library of Congress or OpenGeoMetadata Resource Type Values below. Other terms are allowed.
Commentary This field combines an established list of terms for scanned maps (Cartographic Genres) and a custom list for geospatial data types. Additional terms are welcome - please submit them to the community for review and inclusion into the official vocabulary.
Controlled Vocabulary Yes - not strict
Example Value ["Point data"]
Element Set GBL
Group Categories

Resource Type Values-LOC

The following table lists terms from the Library of Congress Cartographic Genres. These values will be most applicable to scanned maps.

Term Term URI
Aerial photographs
Aerial views
Aeronautical charts
Armillary spheres
Astronautical charts
Astronomical models
Bathymetric maps
Block diagrams
Cadastral maps
Cartographic materials
Cartographic materials for people with visual disabilities
Celestial charts
Celestial globes
Census data
Children's atlases
Children's maps
Comparative maps
Composite atlases
Digital elevation models
Digital maps
Early maps
Ethnographic maps
Fire insurance maps
Flow maps
Geological cross-sections
Geological maps
Gores (Maps)
Gravity anomaly maps
Index maps
Linguistic atlases
Loran charts
Manuscript maps
Mappae mundi
Mental maps
Meteorological charts
Military maps
Mine maps
Miniature maps
Nautical charts
Outline maps
Photogrammetric maps
Physical maps
Pictorial maps
Plotting charts
Portolan charts
Quadrangle maps
Relief models
Remote-sensing maps
Road maps
Statistical maps
Stick charts
Strip maps
Thematic maps
Topographic maps
Tourist maps
Upside-down maps
Wall maps
World atlases
World maps
Worm's-eye views
Zoning maps

Resource Type Values-OGM

The following table lists terms from the OpenGeoMetadata community. They are most applicable to geospatial data.

Term Definition
Annotations Text or graphics that label information about features
Basemaps Background map that provides geographical context for other data layers
LiDAR Elevation data, often provided as a point cloud or DEM
Line data XY coordinate-based (vector) data represented as lines
Mesh data Unstructured grid of vertices, edges, and faces, often with a temporal component; common formats include NetCDF, GRIB, XMDF, DAT, 3Di
Multi-spectral data Raster data with more than 1 band, often capturing a range of visible and non-visible light (e.g. near-infrared)
Oblique photographs Photos taken from the air or other elevated point at an angle of around 45 degrees
Point cloud data XYZ coordinate data, often captured through LiDAR, 3D scanning, or photogrammetry and used to create 3D models
Point data XY coordinate-based (vector) data represented as points
Polygon data XY coordinate-based (vector) data represented as polygons
Raster data Structured grid containing 1+ bands of decimal or integer data
Satellite imagery Photos or radar images captured of the earth from orbiting satellites
Streetview photographs Photos taken at an angle parallel to the ground surface (i.e. most photos taken while standing on the ground)
Table data Structured tabular data


Label Rights
Field Name dct_rights_sm
Field Type Array of strings
Obligation Suggested
Multivalued True
Purpose To provide a free text field for rights information, such as usage, access, or copyright.
Entry Guidelines Enter free text of generic, catch-all access and usage rights.
Commentary This field is intended to be flexible to accommodate different types of rights and disclaimers. Users are encouraged to adopt one of the statements. This is a plain text field by default, but it can include clickable links if the GeoBlacklight software is customized; see the GeoBlacklight documentation on rendering HTML in metadata fields.
Controlled Vocabulary No
Example Value "All data is copyrighted by China Data Center and/or its suppliers. Derived works that include the source data must be merged with other value-added data in such a way that the derived work cannot be converted back to the original source data format. This data is licensed by UC Berkeley for research, educational, and other non-commercial use by authorized users, which include persons affiliated with UC Berkeley and walk-in users who must access the data in person at the library."
Element Set DCMI
Group Rights

Rights Holder

Label Rights Holder
Field Name dct_rightsHolder_sm
Field Type Array of strings
Obligation Optional
Multivalued True
Purpose To clarify which person or organization owns or controls the rights for this version of the item.
Entry Guidelines Enter the name of the person or organization. If applicable, the suggested controlled vocabulary is the Library of Congress Name Authority File.
Commentary This field can be used for instances in which an an organization owns or otherwise controls access of a digital copy of an analog resource. This is different from Provider, which refers more to the resource or metadata steward.
Controlled Vocabulary No
Example Value "Johns Hopkins University Libraries"
Element Set DCMI
Group Rights


Label Source
Field Name dct_source_sm
Field Type Array of strings
Obligation Optional
Multivalued True
Purpose To link items that have been derived from another item (e.g. a digitized shapefile from a historical map).
Entry Guidelines Enter the ID of the item(s) from which the resource was derived.
Commentary This is one of several fields that describe how records relate to each other. This field is intended to describe a derivate relationship where the resource is based wholly on another, rather than being a version of it (see Is Version Of).
Controlled Vocabulary No
Example Value ["abcd-988763"]
Element Set DCMI
Group Relations

Spatial Coverage

Label Spatial Coverage
Field Name dct_spatial_sm
Field Type Array of strings
Obligation Suggested
Multivalued True
Purpose To provide the user with a list of searchable and selectable place names.
Entry Guidelines Place name text strings should be specified out to the nation level. It is typical for the place name to represent the largest extent the data layer represents. Our recommended thesaurus is GeoNames.
Commentary It is recommended to have at least one place name for each layer that corresponds to the logical extent of the area of that layer.
Controlled Vocabulary No
Example Value ["Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States"]
Element Set DCMI
Group Spatial


Label Subject
Field Name dct_subject_sm
Field Type Array of strings
Obligation Optional
Multivalued True
Purpose To provide an all-purpose field for subjects.
Entry Guidelines Any value is allowed, but controlled vocabularies are encouraged.
Commentary Institutions may rely on existing vocabularies specific to a field or project, or they may choose to develop their own set of controlled vocabularies.
Controlled Vocabulary No
Example Value ["Elections", "Voting"]
Element Set DCMI
Group Categories


Label Suppressed
Field Name gbl_suppressed_b
Field Type Boolean or string
Obligation Optional
Multivalued False
Purpose To hide items from users in the search results. If set to "true", the record will not appear in search results. It is still accessible from the data relations widgets and via direct URL.
Entry Guidelines Only one of two values are allowed: true or false.
Commentary This field is useful for multipart items with identical metadata, such as pages in an atlas or series.
Controlled Vocabulary Yes - strict
Example Value true or "true"
Element Set GBL
Group Admin

Temporal Coverage

Label Temporal Coverage
Field Name dct_temporal_sm
Field Type Array of strings
Obligation Suggested
Multivalued True
Purpose To provide the user with a free text description of the time period or ranges of what is depicted in the resource.
Entry Guidelines This is a text string and can indicate uncertainty.
Commentary Since this field is multi-valued, multiple strings can be used to indicate the time period the resource depicts, when the data was collected, and/or when the resources was created.
Controlled Vocabulary No
Example Value ["1980-1995", "Late 20th century"]
Element Set DCMI
Group Temporal


Label Theme
Field Name dcat_theme_sm
Field Type Array of strings
Obligation Optional
Multivalued True
Purpose To provide a dedicated field that is restricted to terms based on ISO Topic Categories.
Entry Guidelines Insert one or more of the values from the list of Theme Values below.
Commentary Although ISO Topic categories are well established and widely used, the spellings of these terms vary across domains and disciplines. The Aardvark schema uses shortened terms for better readability, and adds three new values "Events", "Imagery", and "Land Cover" (the latter two split from imageryBaseMapsEarthCover).
Controlled Vocabulary Yes - strict
Example Value ["Boundaries", "Land Cover"]
Element Set DCAT
Group Categories

Theme Values

Theme Related ISO Topic Category Definition (from NOAA)
Agriculture farming Rearing of animals and/or cultivation of plants. Examples: agriculture, irrigation, aquaculture, plantations, herding, pests and diseases affecting crops and livestock.
Biology biota Flora and/or fauna in natural environment. Examples: wildlife, vegetation, biological sciences, ecology, wilderness, sealife, wetlands, habitat.
Boundaries boundaries Legal land descriptions. Examples: political and administrative boundaries.
Climate climatologyMeteorologyAtmosphere Processes and phenomena of the atmosphere. Examples: cloud cover, weather, climate, atmospheric conditions, climate change, precipitation.
Economy economy Economic activities, conditions and employment. Examples: production, labour, revenue, commerce, industry, tourism and ecotourism, forestry, fisheries, commercial or subsistence hunting, exploration and exploitation of resources such as minerals, oil and gas.
Elevation elevation Height above or below sea level. Examples: altitude, bathymetry, digital elevation models, LiDAR datasets, slope, derived products, topographic maps.
Environment environment Environmental resources, protection and conservation. Examples: environmental pollution, waste storage and treatment, environmental impact assessment, monitoring environmental risk, nature reserves, landscape.
Events society; climatologyMeteorologyAtmosphere Examples: natural disasters, concerts, races, protests, arrests, accidents, Covid cases.
Geology geoscientificInformation Information pertaining to earth sciences. Examples: geophysical features and processes, geology, minerals, sciences dealing with the composition, structure and origin of the earth’s rocks, risks of earthquakes, volcanic activity, landslides, gravity information, soils, permafrost, hydrogeology, erosion.
Health health Health, health services, human ecology, and safety. Examples: disease and illness, factors affecting health, hygiene, substance abuse, mental and physical health, health services.
Imagery imageryBaseMapsEarthCover Imagery of the earth's surface. Examples: aerial photos, oblique and streetview imagery, orthoimagery, satellite photos and multispectral imagery.
Inland Waters inlandWaters Inland water features, drainage systems and their characteristics. Examples: rivers and glaciers, salt lakes, water utilization plans, dams, currents, floods, water quality, hydrographic charts.
Land Cover imageryBaseMapsEarthCover Classifications about natural features on the Earth's surface. Examples: forests, wetlands, impervious surfaces, agriculture, open water.
Location location Positional information and services. Examples: addresses, geodetic networks, control points, postal zones and services, place names.
Military intelligenceMilitary Examples: Military bases, structures, activities Examples: barracks, training grounds, military transportation, information collection.
Oceans oceans features and characteristics of salt water bodies (excluding inland waters) Examples: tides, tidal waves, coastal information, reefs.
Property planningCadastre Information used for appropriate actions for future use of the land. Examples: land use maps, zoning maps, cadastral surveys, land ownership.
Society society Characteristics of society and cultures. Examples: settlements, anthropology, archaeology, education, traditional beliefs, manners and customs, demographic data, recreational areas and activities, social impact assessments, crime and justice, census information.
Structure structure Man-made construction. Examples: buildings, museums, churches, factories, housing, monuments, shops, towers.
Transportation transportation Means and aids for conveying persons and/or goods. Examples: roads, airports/airstrips, shipping routes, tunnels, nautical charts, vehicle or vessel location, aeronautical charts, railways.
Utilities utilitiesCommunication Energy, water and waste systems and communications infrastructure and services. Examples: hydroelectricity, geothermal, solar and nuclear sources of energy, water purification and distribution, sewage collection and disposal, electricity and gas distribution, data communication, telecommunication, radio, communication networks.


Label Title
Field Name dct_title_s
Field Type String
Obligation Required
Multivalued False
Purpose To provide the user with the name of the resource.
Entry Guidelines Titles should include place names and dates when available.
Commentary The title is the most prominent metadata field that users see when browsing or scanning search results. Since many datasets are created with ambiguous or non-unique titles, it may be worth the effort to improve or enhance them. The ideal sequence of a title is something akin to "Topic of Layer: Place, Year." Putting the year at the end of a title produces better search results, since titles are left-anchored.
Controlled Vocabulary No
Example Value "Address Points: Ann Arbor, Michigan, 2010"
Element Set DCMI
Group Descriptive

WxS Identifier

Label WxS Identifier
Field Name gbl_wxsIdentifier_s
Field Type String
Obligation Conditionally required
Multivalued False
Purpose To identify the layer or store for a WFS, WMS, or WCS web service so the application can construct the full web service link.
Entry Guidelines Only the layer name is added here. The base service endpoint URLs (e.g. "") are added to the References field.
Commentary This value is only used when a WxS service is listed in the References field. The WxS Identifer is used to point to specific layers within an OGC geospatial web service. This field is not used for ArcGIS Rest Services.
Controlled Vocabulary No
Example Value "druid:vr593vj7147"
Element Set GBL
Group Links